Factors To Be Valued In Equipment Selection

  1. Integrity of technical information. Requirements for equipment drawings are complete, complete, applicable, can guide the operation of equipment, inspection and maintenance, spare parts preparation, etc.

  2. Convenient, reliable and safe operation of the equipment. The instrumentation, lubrication, transmission parts, sliding parts, safety devices and other important parts of the equipment are easy to check and maintain.

  3. Reasonable structure design, easy combination and assembly.

  4. Complete set of random tools and wearable accessories

  5. Advanced and automatic degree of the equipment shall be adaptive with the skills of operators, and with flexible and reliable control mode.  

  6. Main parts shall be universality , standardization and interchangeability.

  7. Regular maintenance of the equipment is simple and the main parts may easily be repairable.

  8. Able to acquire quick maintenance support.


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