Become A Problem Solver


This article is excerpted from a speech by Mr. Liu, chairman of SME Group

Powerful person have many dimensions and criteria, but the most critical one is to see whether the person has the ability to solve problems and be a buster of tricky troubles. Behind the hidden is a valuable quality to have strong sense of responsibility, a kind of not looking for excuses, not to avoid the problem.


There are 4 kinds of people around us: problem makers, problem finders, problem transmitters and problem solver. Problem makers will certainly achieve nothing; find problems relatively easy; problem transfer in the face of problems (unless major or outside the purview of the problem), do not think and solve, and push it to others, is extremely irresponsible performance; to make their own value, have a position, we must first let ourselves have the ability to solve problems, become a “problem terminator “. “If you can't find the problem or can't solve the problem, you yourself are a problem.”


How to become a real problem terminator, we need to have the right cognitive thinking, and master the appropriate methods:

1) Experiencing situation

Being on the spot is the best way to observe the details and understand the problem, and it is also the key link to generate inspiration and solve the problem.

2) Systems thinking

Systems thinking is essentially a holistic and global view. In the face of the problem, not as a single, isolated problem to view, but as an organic system full of relevance to deal with.

3) Closed-loop thinking

Mainly includes planning (Plan), implementation (Do), inspection (Check) and processing (Action) aspects, and these processes don't work once on the end, but go round and round. We often only focus on Do (implementation), not beforehand to make full plan and to check during period, just a single-point operation, the lack of closed-loop thinking. That is far away to good result although work very hard.


Steve Jobs said that a good employees, as long as he is told what to do and what to achieve, he will find a way to get it done.


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