Blast Furnace Process Detection and Field Communication


Process parameters of blast furnace engineering directly influence the safety of  staff and plant operation. The measurement of process parameters mainly can help monitoring all systems running state well. Process control includes top pressure control, soft water closed circulation system expansion tank pressure control, combustion control of hot blast furnace system, air supply temperature control and furnace change control, coal injection system control, blower unit control.

Process Detection

The process detection of blast furnace focuses on weight, temperature, flow, pressure, material level, water level, concentration in different processes.

  1. Trough system: ore trough level, coke trough level, belt  scale, hopper scale, coke water content;

  2. Roof system: receiving hopper level, tank pressure, upper and lower sealing valve, valve box gear box inlet and outlet water temperature and gear box tank water level detection; tank weighing pressure correction and roof pressure measurement.

  3. Furnace body system: material line, material speed, material surface temperature distribution, static pressure measurement of the furnace body, rising tube, furnace body, furnace waist, furnace belly, furnace liner, furnace bottom carbon brick, furnace base, cooling wall temperature measurement, blast furnace heat load detection and calculation; the soft water closed loop sets  flow, pressure measurement and leakage detection of cooling wall, furnace bottom, tuyere cooling water, direct blowing pipe cooling water; the expansion tank level, pressure measurement and control.

  4. Iron field system: iron temperature, rapid analysis of iron composition and iron tanker state .

  5. Coarse gas dedusting:gas in/out temperature of the dust collector, gas pressure, top gas composition analysis (CO, CO2, H2, etc.).

  6. Hot blast furnace system: detecting pressure, temperature and flow of cold air main pipe; to measure flue gas, gas and combustion air main pipe before and after heat exchanger; temperature measurement of vault, grate pillar and lattice brick; flow measurement and control of gas and combustion air branch pipe; water temperature, water pressure and water volume of hot air valve and leakage detection. 

  7. Coal injection system:measuring level, temperature,flow, pressure and pressure loss calculation, oxygen content, CO concentration, weighing, etc

  8. Water supply and drainage facilities: to dectect main pressure, flow, level, with  flow interlock and alarm function, etc.

  9. Raw materials, iron field dust removal system: pressure and temperature of inlet and outlet, hydraulic coupler outlet oil pressure, output shaft rotation speed, inlet and outlet oil temperature, cooler inlet water pressure, temperature.

  10. Blower station: measuring pressure, temperature, flow, etc.

  11. Energy medium: metering gas, oxygen, nitrogen, compressed air, steam .

Field Communication

Telecommunication facilities include automatic telephones, dispatching telephones, command intercom, industrial television facilities, and transportation wireless intercom;

  1. Automatic telephone: set up automatic telephone extensions in the main control room, operation room, office and other locations of the blast furnace for daily official communication contact.

  2. Scheduling telephone: set up scheduling telephone in the operation room, auxiliary production duty room, production management positions and other locations related to the blast furnace.

  3. Command intercom system: at noisy area, command intercom system is equipped for the production posts such as blast furnace body, raw fuel supply, slag storage and transportation, raw coal storage and transportation and coke & ore return system,  

  4. Real monitoring: in order to timely understanding of the site production situation, industrial TV cameras are set up in the key production parts such as the feeding of the furnace roof, the iron field, the iron tanker under the swing chute, the TRT, and coal injection etc., and installing the monitoring system in the corresponding main control room and operation room.

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